Vikki Wachino
Viaduct Consulting LLC
As Principal of Viaduct Consulting LLC, Vikki advises mission-driven healthcare organizations on policy, strategy, and implementation of groundbreaking approaches to advance the health of people and communities.
She also recently held a concurrent role as CEO of the nonprofit Community Oriented Correctional Health Services, where she expanded organizational vision and influence through new advocacy, programs, and partnerships.
Vikki twice served the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, first as Director of the Children and Adults Health Programs Group, then as Director/Deputy Administrator of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services. In both roles she managed vast programs with enormous budgets and immediate impact on the lives of millions of people.
Among her signature achievements are these notable successes in healthcare strategy, policy, and implementation:
Under her leadership at CMS, millions of people were added to Medicaid and CHIP enrollment to achieve the lowest national levels of uninsurance in US history. She also:
— Issued the first federal regulations establishing mental health parity in Medicaid and CHIP.
— Crafted groundbreaking policies to expand services for people with substance use disorders.
— Revamped Medicaid managed care and access policies.
— Reformed state delivery systems to promote accountable care and population health.
For the massive Affordable Care Act rollout in 2017, Vikki led the implementation of major coverage provisions, including the expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults.
She is currently spearheading innovations in healthcare for people who experience the criminal justice system and developing new approaches to building healthcare-driven emergency response when people have mental health and substance use crises. She partners with organizations across sectors to advance health, public health, and public safety.
Known as an inspirational leader, Vikki shares her vision and passion with her teams and motivates them to achieve extraordinary goals. Combining a strategic outlook with a bias for action and exceptional execution skills, she conceives and successfully delivers large-scale, often first-of-their-kind programs. With expert mastery of Medicaid policy and federal and state government programs, she knows how to shape policy and practice to achieve lasting change for people in need.